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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

DAMPcast Episode Nineteen : Elimination Communication

Our duo of doom return with a third party, our super special guest, Rob from the Uncanny Xcast joins our guys for the entire episode (and soon regrets it). This massive episode is so jam packed, it has to be fattening. Our trio takes a top 5 about barfing. Topics discussed range from video games to wall ball. Rob talks about his fear of people. We talk catocolypse, raising kids, and Lenny's creepy stalker tendencies. Make it through the entire marathon for an extra long easter egg.

Listen to Rob at


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

DAMPcast Episode Eighteen : America is the Empire

Episode 18 is go! Our delicious duo are back. This week we barely stay on topic while Lenny rants about anything. Top 5 Sci-Fi movies. Geek topic of our game system history, and where we see the trends heading. Ryan tells the tale of his hectic trip to Kansas City. We round out the show with a contest winner!
Sit back, relax, and prepare to have you ears pleasured.